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Extend the symmedians of a triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3 to meet the circumcircle at P_1, P_2, P_3. Then the symmedian point K of DeltaA_1A_2A_3 is also the symmedian point of ...
Given a point P in the interior of a triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3, draw the cevians through P from each polygon vertex which meet the opposite sides at P_1, P_2, and P_3. Now, ...
A nonzero module M over a ring R whose only submodules are the module itself and the zero module. It is also called a simple module, and in fact this is the name more ...
A metatheorem stating that every theorem on partially ordered sets remains true if all inequalities are reversed. In this operation, supremum must be replaced by infimum, ...
The polyhedron compound of the great icosahedron (U_(53)) and the small stellated dodecahedron (U_(34)), sometimes known as the great cid. Four faces meet at each edge of the ...
For a given curve C, consider the locus of the point P from where the tangents from P to C meet at a fixed given angle. This is called an isoptic curve of the given curve. ...
Consider a reference triangle DeltaABC with circumcenter O and orthocenter H, and let DeltaA^*B^*C^* be its reflection triangle. Then Musselman's theorem states that the ...
Two submanifolds X and Y in an ambient space M intersect transversally if, for all p in X intersection Y, TX_p+TY_p={v+w:v in TX_p,w in TY_p}=TM_p, where the addition is in ...
Bézout's theorem for curves states that, in general, two algebraic curves of degrees m and n intersect in m·n points and cannot meet in more than m·n points unless they have ...
If perpendiculars A^', B^', and C^' are dropped on any line L from the vertices of a triangle DeltaABC, then the perpendiculars to the opposite sides from their perpendicular ...
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