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A four-vector a_mu is said to be timelike if its four-vector norm satisfies a_mua^mu<0. One should note that the four-vector norm is nothing more than a special case of the ...
A change of coordinates matrix, also called a transition matrix, specifies the transformation from one vector basis to another under a change of basis. For example, if ...
Let a_1, a_2, ..., a_n be scalars not all equal to 0. Then the set S consisting of all vectors X=[x_1; x_2; |; x_n] in R^n such that a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=c for c a ...
The plane spanned by the three points x(t), x(t+h_1), and x(t+h_2) on a curve as h_1,h_2->0. Let z be a point on the osculating plane, then [(z-x),x^',x^('')]=0, where ...
The "perp dot product" a^_|_·b for a and b vectors in the plane is a modification of the two-dimensional dot product in which a is replaced by the perpendicular vector ...
In the Minkowski space of special relativity, a four-vector is a four-element vector x^mu=(x^0,x^1,x^2,x^3) that transforms under a Lorentz transformation like the position ...
A subset A of a vector space V is said to be convex if lambdax+(1-lambda)y for all vectors x,y in A, and all scalars lambda in [0,1]. Via induction, this can be seen to be ...
The idea of a velocity vector comes from classical physics. By representing the position and motion of a single particle using vectors, the equations for motion are simpler ...
Although the multiplication of one vector by another is not uniquely defined (cf. scalar multiplication, which is multiplication of a vector by a scalar), several types of ...
In three dimensions, a parallelepiped is a prism whose faces are all parallelograms. Let A, B, and C be the basis vectors defining a three-dimensional parallelepiped. Then ...
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