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Russian roulette is a game of chance in which one or more of the six chambers of a revolver are filled with cartridges, the chamber is rotated at random, and the gun is ...
A closed three-dimensional figure (which may, according to some terminology conventions, be self-intersecting). Kern and Bland (1948, p. 18) define a solid as any limited ...
The maximal number of regions into which space can be divided by n planes is f(n)=1/6(n^3+5n+6) (Yaglom and Yaglom 1987, pp. 102-106). For n=1, 2, ..., these give the values ...
A surface with boundary is a topological space obtained by identifying edges and vertices of a set of triangles according to all the requirements of a surface except that ...
A surface of revolution is a surface generated by rotating a two-dimensional curve about an axis. The resulting surface therefore always has azimuthal symmetry. Examples of ...
The set of roots of a polynomial f(x,y,z)=0. An algebraic surface is said to be of degree n=max(i+j+k), where n is the maximum sum of powers of all terms ...
A quantity to be added to another, also called a summand. For example, in the expression a+b+c, a, b, and c are all addends. The first of several addends, or "the one to ...
A bivariate polynomial is a polynomial in two variables. Bivariate polynomials have the form f(x,y)=sum_(i,j)a_(i,j)x^iy^j. A homogeneous bivariate polynomial, also called a ...
A geometric figure which touches only the vertices (or other extremities) of another figure.
A map f between topological spaces that maps closed sets to closed sets. If f is bijective, then f is closed <==>f is open <==>f^(-1) is continuous, where f^(-1) denotes the ...
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