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11 - 20 of 1876 for character definition tableSearch Results
A multiplicative character is called unitary if it has absolute value 1 everywhere.
A database accessed by one or more hash functions.
A contingency table, sometimes called a two-way frequency table, is a tabular mechanism with at least two rows and two columns used in statistics to present categorical data ...
A number theoretic character, also called a Dirichlet character (because Dirichlet first introduced them in his famous proof that every arithmetic progression with relatively ...
A quotient-difference table is a triangular array of numbers constructed by drawing a sequence of n numbers in a horizontal row and placing a 1 above each. An additional "1" ...
The Kronecker symbol is an extension of the Jacobi symbol (n/m) to all integers. It is variously written as (n/m) or (n/m) (Cohn 1980; Weiss 1998, p. 236) or (n|m) (Dickson ...
The Jacobi symbol (a/y)=chi(y) as a number theoretic character can be extended to the Kronecker symbol (f(a)/y)=chi^*(y) so that chi^*(y)=chi(y) whenever chi(y)!=0. When y is ...
An irreducible representation of a group is a group representation that has no nontrivial invariant subspaces. For example, the orthogonal group O(n) has an irreducible ...
One of the set of symbols C_i, C_s, C_1, C_2, C_3, C_4, C_5, C_6, C_7, C_8, C_(2h), C_(3h), C_(4h), C_(5h), C_(6h), C_(2v), C_(3v), C_(4v), C_(5v), C_(6v), C_(inftyv), D_2, ...
The dihedral group D_6 gives the group of symmetries of a regular hexagon. The group generators are given by a counterclockwise rotation through pi/3 radians and reflection ...
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