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An integer matrix whose entries satisfy a_(ij)={0 if j>i+1; -1 if j=i+1; 0 or 1 if j<=i. (1) There are 2^(n-1) special minimal matrices of size n×n.
A special function is a function (usually named after an early investigator of its properties) having a particular use in mathematical physics or some other branch of ...
If the difference between the order and the dimension of a series is less than the curve genus, then the series is special.
Special affine curvature, also called as the equi-affine or affine curvature, is a type of curvature for a plane curve that remains unchanged under a special affine ...
The special unitary group SU_n(q) is the set of n×n unitary matrices with determinant +1 (having n^2-1 independent parameters). SU(2) is homeomorphic with the orthogonal ...
The special orthogonal group SO_n(q) is the subgroup of the elements of general orthogonal group GO_n(q) with determinant 1. SO_3 (often written SO(3)) is the rotation group ...
A square matrix A is a special orthogonal matrix if AA^(T)=I, (1) where I is the identity matrix, and the determinant satisfies detA=1. (2) The first condition means that A ...
A square matrix U is a special unitary matrix if UU^*=I, (1) where I is the identity matrix and U^* is the conjugate transpose matrix, and the determinant is detU=1. (2) The ...
Given a ring R with identity, the special linear group SL_n(R) is the group of n×n matrices with elements in R and determinant 1. The special linear group SL_n(q), where q is ...
The projective special orthogonal group PSO_n(q) is the group obtained from the special orthogonal group SO_n(q) on factoring by the scalar matrices contained in that group. ...
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