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Two sets T_1 and T_2 are called Wilf equivalent if they belong to the same Wilf class.
Due to Lebesgue and Brouwer. If an n-dimensional figure is covered in any way by sufficiently small subregions, then there will exist points which belong to at least n+1 of ...
If a field has the property that, if the sets A_1, ..., A_n, ... belong to it, then so do the sets A_1+...+A_n+... and A_1...A_n..., then the field is called a Borel field ...
The larger an arc is, the smaller its radius appears. For example, the three arcs illustrated above belong circles of the same radius.
Discrete group theory is a broad subject covering certain aspects of groups. Such topics as free groups, group presentations, fundamental groups, Kleinian groups, and ...
Let C^omega(I) be the set of real analytic functions on I. Then C^omega(I) is a subalgebra of C^infty(I). A necessary and sufficient condition for a function f in C^infty(I) ...
A set A of integers is productive if there exists a partial recursive function f such that, for any x, the following holds: If the domain of phi_x is a subset of A, then f(x) ...
Two patterns T_1 and T_2 belong to the same Wilf class if |S_n(T_1)|=|S_n(T_2)| for all n, where S_n(T) denotes the set of permutations on {1,...,n} that avoid the pattern T. ...
The circular points at infinity, also called the isotropic points, are the pair of (complex) points on the line at infinity through which all circles pass. The circular ...
An equivalence class is defined as a subset of the form {x in X:xRa}, where a is an element of X and the notation "xRy" is used to mean that there is an equivalence relation ...
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