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A method of proof which proceeds by stating a proposition and then showing that it results in a contradiction, thus demonstrating the proposition to be false. In the words of ...
A strict order > on the set of terms of a term rewriting system is called a reduction order if 1. The set of terms is well ordered with respect to >, that is, all its ...
A system in which words (expressions) of a formal language can be transformed according to a finite set of rewrite rules is called a reduction system. While reduction systems ...
If a fixed point is added to each group of a special complete series, then the resulting series is complete.
R(X_1,...X_n)=sum_(i=1)^nH(X_i)-H(X_1,...,X_n), where H(x_i) is the entropy and H(X_1,...,X_n) is the joint entropy. Linear redundancy is defined as ...
The Ree group R(q) is the automorphism group of a S(2,q+1,q^3+1) Steiner system.
A Reeb component is a Reeb foliation (M,F) whose leaves are proper. A foliation which has no Reeb components is said to be Reebless.
The Reeb foliation of the hypersphere S^3 is a foliation constructed as the union of two solid tori with common boundary.
A foliation which has no Reeb components is said to be Reebless.
A type of error-correcting code that is related to Hadamard matrices.
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