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A partial function is a function that is not total.
Let A be a C^*-algebra, then an element u in A is called a partial isometry if uu^*u=u.
In a normal n×n Latin square, the entries in each row and column are chosen from a "global" set of n objects. Like a Latin square, a partial Latin square has no two rows or ...
The nth partial numerator in a generalized continued fraction b_0+K_(n=1)^infty(a_n)/(b_n) is the expression a_n. For a simple continued fraction b_0+K_(n=1)^infty1/(b_n), ...
A relation "<=" is a partial order on a set S if it has: 1. Reflexivity: a<=a for all a in S. 2. Antisymmetry: a<=b and b<=a implies a=b. 3. Transitivity: a<=b and b<=c ...
An ideal I of a partial order P is a subset of the elements of P which satisfy the property that if y in I and x<y, then x in I. For k disjoint chains in which the ith chain ...
For a partial order, the size of the longest chain is called the length.
For a partial order, the size of the longest antichain is called the width.
Given a sequence {a_k}_(k=1)^n, a partial sum of the first N terms is given by S_N=sum_(k=1)^Na_k.
A partially ordered set (or poset) is a set taken together with a partial order on it. Formally, a partially ordered set is defined as an ordered pair P=(X,<=), where X is ...
