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The second-order ordinary differential equation satisfied by the Neumann polynomials O_n(x).
Polynomials O_n(x) that can be defined by the sum O_n(x)=1/4sum_(k=0)^(|_n/2_|)(n(n-k-1)!)/(k!)(1/2x)^(2k-n-1) (1) for n>=1, where |_x_| is the floor function. They obey the ...
A geometric construction, also called a verging construction, which allows the classical geometric construction rules to be bent in order to permit sliding of a marked ruler. ...
The Nevanlinna Prize is awarded by the International Mathematical Union to outstanding contributors to the mathematical aspects of information science. The International ...
An analytic refinement of results from complex analysis such as those codified by Picard's little theorem, Picard's great theorem, and the Weierstrass-Casorati theorem.
The functions theta_s(u) = (H(u))/(H^'(0)) (1) theta_d(u) = (Theta(u+K))/(Theta(k)) (2) theta_c(u) = (H(u))/(H(K)) (3) theta_n(u) = (Theta(u))/(Theta(0)), (4) where H(u) and ...
Neville's algorithm is an interpolation algorithm which proceeds by first fitting a polynomial of degree 0 through the point (x_k,y_k) for k=1, ..., n, i.e., P_k(x)=y_k. A ...
A New Kind of Science is a seminal work on simple programs by Stephen Wolfram. In 1980, Wolfram's studies found unexpected behavior in a collection of simple computer ...
Dickson states "In a letter to Tanner [L'intermediaire des math., 2, 1895, 317] Lucas stated that Mersenne (1644, 1647) implied that a necessary and sufficient condition that ...
A paradox in decision theory. Given two boxes, B1 which contains $1000 and B2 which contains either nothing or a million dollars, you may pick either B2 or both. However, at ...
