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The word net has several meanings in mathematics. It refers to a plane diagram in which the polyhedron edges of a polyhedron are shown, a point set satisfying certain ...
The net graph is the graph on 6 vertices illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["NetGraph"]. The bipartite double graph of the net graph is ...
The probability that two elements P_1 and P_2 of a symmetric group generate the entire group tends to 3/4 as n->infty (Netto 1964, p. 90). The conjecture was proven by Dixon ...
A graph or directed graph together with a function which assigns a positive real number to each edge (Harary 1994, p. 52).
The network flow problem considers a graph G with a set of sources S and sinks T and for which each edge has an assigned capacity (weight), and then asks to find the maximum ...
The center of a Neuberg circle.
The Neuberg A_1-circle is the locus of the polygon vertex A_1 of a triangle on a given base A_2A_3 and with a given Brocard angle omega. From the center N_1, the base A_2A_3 ...
The radical circle of the Neuberg circles has circle function l=(a^2b^4-b^4c^2+a^2c^4-b^2c^4)/(bc(a^2b^2+a^2c^2+b^2c^2)), (1) which does not correspond to any Kimberling ...
The Neuberg cubic Z(X_(30)) of a triangle DeltaABC is the locus of all points P whose reflections in the sidelines BC, CA, and ABform a triangle perspective to DeltaABC. It ...
Partial differential equation boundary conditions which give the normal derivative on a surface.
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