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A spherical image of a curve. The most common indicatrix is Dupin's indicatrix.
An indicial equation, also called a characteristic equation, is a recurrence equation obtained during application of the Frobenius method of solving a second-order ordinary ...
An indirectly conformal mapping, sometimes called an anticonformal mapping, is a mapping that reverses all angles, whereas an isogonal mapping can reverse some angles and ...
One of the basic objects treated in a given formal language system. The term is sometimes also used as a synonym for urelement.
If f:(X,A)->(Y,B) is homotopic to g:(X,A)->(Y,B), then f_*:H_n(X,A)->H_n(Y,B) and g_*:H_n(X,A)->H_n(Y,B) are said to be the induced maps.
If a subgroup H of G has a group representation phi:H×W->W, then there is a unique induced representation of G on a vector space V. The original space W is contained in V, ...
An induced subgraph is a subgraph obtained from an original graph by removing a subset of vertices and/or edges together with any edges whose endpoints are both in this ...
The use of the principle of mathematical induction in a proof. Induction used in mathematics is often called mathematical induction.
The fifth of Peano's axioms, which states: If a set S of numbers contains zero and also the successor of every number in S, then every number is in S.
A set-theoretic term having a number of different meanings. Fraenkel (1953, p. 37) used the term as a synonym for "finite set." However, according to Russell's definition ...
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