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A linear ordinary differential equation of order n is said to be homogeneous if it is of the form a_n(x)y^((n))+a_(n-1)(x)y^((n-1))+...+a_1(x)y^'+a_0(x)y=0, (1) where ...
A permutation group (G,X) is k-homogeneous if it is transitive on unordered k-subsets of X. The projective special linear group PSL(2,q) is 3-homogeneous if q=3 (mod 4).
A multivariate polynomial (i.e., a polynomial in more than one variable) with all terms having the same degree. For example, x^3+xyz+y^2z+z^3 is a homogeneous polynomial of ...
A homogeneous space M is a space with a transitive group action by a Lie group. Because a transitive group action implies that there is only one group orbit, M is isomorphic ...
Any two ranges {ABC...} and {A^'B^'C^'...} which are situated on the same or different lines are said to be homographic when the cross ratio of any four points on one range ...
A circle-preserving transformation composed of an even number of inversions.
An abstract algebra concerned with results valid for many different kinds of spaces. Modules are the basic tools used in homological algebra.
Let C denote a chain complex, a portion of which is shown below: ...->C_(n+1)->C_n->C_(n-1)->.... Let H_n(C)=kerpartial_n/Impartial_(n+1) denotes the nth homology group. Then ...
The extremities of parallel radii of two circles are called homologous with respect to the similitude center collinear with them.
Homology is a concept that is used in many branches of algebra and topology. Historically, the term "homology" was first used in a topological sense by Poincaré. To him, it ...
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