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On an oriented n-dimensional Riemannian manifold, the Hodge star is a linear function which converts alternating differential k-forms to alternating (n-k)-forms. If w is an ...
On a compact oriented Finsler manifold without boundary, every cohomology class has a unique harmonic representation. The dimension of the space of all harmonic forms of ...
A geometric theorem related to the pentagram and also called the Pratt-kasapi theorem. It states ...
A function phi(t) satisfies the Hölder condition on two points t_1 and t_2 on an arc L when |phi(t_2)-phi(t_1)|<=A|t_2-t_1|^mu, with A and mu positive real constants. In some ...
Let 1/p+1/q=1 (1) with p, q>1. Then Hölder's inequality for integrals states that int_a^b|f(x)g(x)|dx<=[int_a^b|f(x)|^pdx]^(1/p)[int_a^b|g(x)|^qdx]^(1/q), (2) with equality ...
The Hoffman-Singleton graph is the graph on 50 nodes and 175 edges that is the only regular graph of vertex degree 7, diameter 2, and girth 5. It is the unique (7,5)-cage ...
Let G be a k-regular graph with girth 5 and graph diameter 2. (Such a graph is a Moore graph). Then, k=2, 3, 7, or 57. A proof of this theorem is difficult (Hoffman and ...
The Hoffman graph is the bipartite graph on 16 nodes and 32 edges illustrated above that is cospectral to the tesseract graph Q_4 (Hoffman 1963, van Dam and Haemers 2003). ...
A minimal embedded surface discovered in 1992 consisting of a helicoid with a hole and handle (Science News 1992). It has the same topology as a punctured sphere with a ...
The recursive sequence defined by the recurrence relation a(n)=a(a(n-1))+a(n-a(n-1)) (1) with a(1)=a(2)=1. The first few values are 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, ... (OEIS ...
