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An illusion in which the eye alternately sees two black faces, or a white goblet.
The Goddard-Henning enneahedron, a term coined here, is the canonical polyhedron obtained from the Goddard-Henning graph. It has 9 vertices, 16 edges (consisting of 3 ...
The Goddard-Henning graph, illustrated above in several embeddings, is the 9-node planar graph of graph diameter 2 having domination number gamma=3. It was first constructed ...
The term "God's number" is sometimes given to the graph diameter of Rubik's graph, which is the minimum number of turns required to solve a Rubik's cube from an arbitrary ...
Consider the recurrence relation x_n=(1+x_0^2+x_1^2+...+x_(n-1)^2)/n, (1) with x_0=1. The first few iterates of x_n are 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 28, 154, ... (OEIS A003504). The terms ...
Turing machines are defined by sets of rules that operate on four parameters: (state, tape cell color, operation, state). Let the states and tape cell colors be numbered and ...
If T is a set of axioms in a first-order language, and a statement p holds for any structure M satisfying T, then p can be formally deduced from T in some appropriately ...
Gödel's first incompleteness theorem states that all consistent axiomatic formulations of number theory which include Peano arithmetic include undecidable propositions ...
Gödel's second incompleteness theorem states no consistent axiomatic system which includes Peano arithmetic can prove its own consistency. Stated more colloquially, any ...
The first Göllnitz-Gordon identity states that the number of partitions of n in which the minimal difference between parts is at least 2, and at least 4 between even parts, ...
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