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There are three theorems related to pedal circles that go under the collective title of the Fontené theorems. The first Fontené theorem lets DeltaABC be a triangle and P an ...
If a proposition P is true for all B, this is written P forall B. forall is one of the two so-called quantifiers, and translates the universal quantifier forall . The Wolfram ...
An expression occurring in existential sentences. "For some x" is the same as " exists x." Unlike in everyday language, it is does not necessarily refer to a plurality of ...
A graph is a forbidden (vertex-)induced subgraph if its presence as a vertex-induced subgraph of a given graph means it is not a member of some family of graphs. For example, ...
A graph is a forbidden minor if its presence as a graph minor of a given graph means it is not a member of some family of graphs. More generally, there may be a family of ...
A graph is a forbidden subgraph if its presence as a subgraph of a given graph means it is not a member of some family of graphs. For example, a bipartite graph is a graph ...
A graph is a forbidden topological minor (also known as a forbidden homeomorphic subgraph) if its presence as a homeomorphic subgraph of a given graph (i.e., there is an ...
A technique in set theory invented by P. Cohen (1963, 1964, 1966) and used to prove that the axiom of choice and continuum hypothesis are independent of one another in ...
Pick any two relatively prime integers h and k, then the circle C(h,k) of radius 1/(2k^2) centered at (h/k,+/-1/(2k^2)) is known as a Ford circle. No matter what and how many ...
Let a, b, and k be integers with k>=1. For j=0, 1, 2, let S_j=sum_(i=j (mod 3))(-1)^i(k; i)a^(k-i)b^i. Then 2(a^2+ab+b^2)^(2k)=(S_0-S_1)^4+(S_1-S_2)^4+(S_2-S_0)^4.
