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A fiber of a map f:X->Y is the preimage of an element y in Y. That is, f^(-1)(y)={x in X:f(x)=y}. For instance, let X and Y be the complex numbers C. When f(z)=z^2, every ...
A fiber bundle (also called simply a bundle) with fiber F is a map f:E->B where E is called the total space of the fiber bundle and B the base space of the fiber bundle. The ...
A fiber space, depending on context, means either a fiber bundle or a fibration.
A fibered category F over a topological space X consists of 1. a category F(U) for each open subset U subset= X, 2. a functor i^*:F(U)->F(V) for each inclusion i:V↪U, and 3. ...
Let F and G be fibered categories over a topological space X. A morphism phi:F->G of fibered categories consists of: 1. a functor phi(U):F->G(U) for each open subset U ...
A knot or link L^n in S^(n+2) is said to be fibered if there exists a fibration f:S^(n+2)-L->S^1 and if the fibration is well-behaved near L (Rolfsen 1976, p. 323). Examples ...
The Fibonacci chain map is defined as x_(n+1) = -1/(x_n+epsilon+alphasgn[frac(n(phi-1))-(phi-1)]) (1) phi_(n+1) = frac(phi_n+phi-1), (2) where frac(x) is the fractional part, ...
The Fibonacci cube graph of order n is a graph on F_(n+2) vertices, where F_n is a Fibonacci number, labeled by the Zeckendorf representations of the numbers 0 to F_(n+2)-1 ...
Let F_n be the nth Fibonacci number. Then the sequence {F_n}_(n=2)^infty={1,2,3,5,8,...} is complete, even if one is restricted to subsequences in which no two consecutive ...
The Fibonacci factorial constant is the constant appearing in the asymptotic growth of the fibonorials (aka. Fibonacci factorials) n!_F. It is given by the infinite product ...
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