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The question of whether a solution to a given problem exists. The existence problem can be solved in the affirmative without actually finding a solution to the original ...
A theorem stating the existence of an object, such as the solution to a problem or equation. Strictly speaking, it need not tell how many such objects there are, nor give ...
A class of processes which attempt to round off a domain and simplify its theory by adjoining elements.
In predicate calculus, an existential formula is a prenex normal form formula (i.e., a formula written as a string of quantifiers and bound variables followed by a ...
The exists quantifier exists .
An existential sentence is a statement claiming the existence of an object with given properties. In the language of set theory it can be formulated as follows, exists x in U ...
If there exists an A, this is written exists A. Similarly, "A does not exist" is written notexists A. exists is one of the two mathematical objects known as quantifiers. The ...
An exmedian is a parallel to a side of a triangle through the opposite vertex. So in the above diagram, A_2^'A_3^' is the exmedian of side A_2A_3, and so on. The pairwise ...
Draw a triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3, and let A_1^' be the intersection of the parallel to A_3A_1 through A_2 (the A_2-exmedian) and the parallel to A_1A_2 through A_3 (the ...
An exogenous variable is an economic variable which is independent of the relationships determining the equilibrium levels, but nonetheless affects the equilibrium.
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