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The dart graph is the 5-vertex graph illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["DartGraph"].
A surface of revolution of the form r(phi)=a[1-esin^2phi-(3/8e^2+k)sin^2(2phi)], where k is a second-order correction to the figure of a rotating fluid.
Series expansions of the parabolic cylinder functions U(a,x) and W(a,x). The formulas can be found in Abramowitz and Stegun (1972).
A three-dimensional data set consisting of stacked two-dimensional data slices as a function of a third coordinate.
A formal structure for the organization of information. Examples of data structures include the list, queue, stack, and tree.
A database can be roughly defined as a structure consisting of 1. A collection of information (the data), 2. A collection of queries that can be submitted, and 3. A ...
A wavelet used for filtering signals. Daubechies (1988, p. 980) has tabulated the numerical values up to order p=10.
Form a sequence from an alphabet of letters [1,n] such that there are no consecutive letters and no alternating subsequences of length greater than d. Then the sequence is a ...
The Davenport constant of a finite Abelian group G is defined to be the length of the longest minimal zero-system of G and is denoted D(G). Symbolically, ...
The system of partial differential equations iu_t+u_(xx)+alphau_(yy)+betau|u|^2-uv=0 v_(xx)+gammav_(yy)+delta(|u|^2)_(yy)=0.
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