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The Yiu triangle DeltaO_AO_BO_C is the triangle formed by the centers of the Yiu circles. It has area where f(a,b,c) is a 12th-order polynomial and Delta is the area of the ...
A famous perceptual illusion in which the brain switches between seeing a young girl and an old woman (or "wife" and "mother in law"). An anonymous German postcard from 1888 ...
The Young tableau (plural, "tableaux") of a Ferrers diagram is obtained by placing the numbers 1, ..., n in the n boxes of the diagram. A "standard" Young tableau is a Young ...
Young's geometry is a finite geometry which satisfies the following five axioms: 1. There exists at least one line. 2. Every line of the geometry has exactly three points on ...
Let f be a real-valued, continuous, and strictly increasing function on [0,c] with c>0. If f(0)=0, a in [0,c], and b in [0,f(c)], then int_0^af(x)dx+int_0^bf^(-1)(x)dx>=ab, ...
Let f(x) be a real continuous monotonic strictly increasing function on the interval [0,a] with f(0)=0 and b<=f(a), then ab<=int_0^af(x)dx+int_0^bf^(-1)(y)dy, where f^(-1)(y) ...
Young's lattice Y_p is the partial order of partitions contained within a partition p ordered by containment (Stanton and White 1986; Skiena 1990, p. 77).
The negative integers ..., -3, -2, -1.
A Z-number is a real number xi such that 0<=frac[(3/2)^kxi]<1/2 for all k=1, 2, ..., where frac(x) is the fractional part of x. Mahler (1968) showed that there is at most one ...
The positive integers 1, 2, 3, ..., equivalent to N.