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The right conoid surface given by the parametric equations x(u,v) = vcosu (1) y(u,v) = vsinu (2) z(u,v) = csqrt(a^2-b^2cos^2u). (3)
Wallis's constant is the real solution (x^3-2x-5)_1=2.0945514815... (OEIS A007493) to the cubic equation x^3-2x-5=0. It was solved by Wallis to illustrate Newton's method for ...
Find nontrivial solutions to sigma(x^2)=sigma(y^2) other than (x,y)=(4,5), where sigma(n) is the divisor function. Nontrivial solutions means that solutions which are ...
The wallpaper groups are the 17 possible plane symmetry groups. They are commonly represented using Hermann-Mauguin-like symbols or in orbifold notation (Zwillinger 1995, p. ...
The Walsh functions consist of trains of square pulses (with the allowed states being -1 and 1) such that transitions may only occur at fixed intervals of a unit time step, ...
The statistical index P_W=(sumsqrt(q_0q_n)p_n)/(sumsqrt(q_0q_n)p_0), where p_n is the price per unit in period n and q_n is the quantity produced in period n.
The matrix product of a square set of data d and a matrix of basis vectors consisting of Walsh functions. By taking advantage of the nested structure of the natural ordering ...
There are at least two graphs associated with H. Walther. A graph on 25 vertices which appears somewhat similar to Tutte's fragment is implemented without discussion or ...
The ordinary differential equation y^('')+1/2[1/(x-a_1)+1/(x-a_2)+1/(x-a_3)]y^' +1/4[(A_0+A_1x+A_2x^2)/((x-a_1)(x-a_2)(x-a_3))]y=0.
Wang's conjecture states that if a set of tiles can tile the plane, then they can always be arranged to do so periodically (Wang 1961). The conjecture was refuted when Berger ...