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The function defined by U(n)=(n!)^(n!). The values for n=0, 1, ..., are 1, 1, 4, 46656, 1333735776850284124449081472843776, ... (OEIS A046882).
Let S be a nonempty set, then an ultrafilter on S is a nonempty collection F of subsets of S having the following properties: 1. emptyset not in F. 2. If A,B in F, then A ...
An ultrametric is a metric which satisfies the following strengthened version of the triangle inequality, d(x,z)<=max(d(x,y),d(y,z)) for all x,y,z. At least two of d(x,y), ...
A specific type of ultraproduct that can be used to construct nonstandard universes and obtain the transfer principle as a corollary of Łoś' theorem for ultraproducts.
The function defined by U(p)=(p#)^(p#), where p is a prime number and p# is a primorial. The values for p=2, 3, ..., are 4, 46656, ...
Let L be a language of first-order predicate logic, let I be an indexing set, and for each i in I, let A_i be a structure of the language L. Let u be an ultrafilter in the ...
The ultraradical symbol is a notation thet can be used to express solutions not obtainable by finite root extraction. The solution to the irreducible quintic equation x^5+x=a ...
An umbilic point, also called simply an umbilic, is a point on a surface at which the curvature is the same in any direction.
The algebra structure of linear functionals on polynomials of a single variable (Roman 1984, pp. 2-3).
Roman (1984, p. 2) describes umbral calculus as the study of the class of Sheffer sequences. Umbral calculus provides a formalism for the systematic derivation and ...
