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The larger an arc is, the smaller its radius appears. For example, the three arcs illustrated above belong circles of the same radius.
A lattice polygon formed by a three-choice walk. The anisotropic perimeter and area generating function G(x,y,q)=sum_(m>=1)sum_(n>=1)sum_(a>=a)C(m,n,a)x^my^nq^a, where ...
A self-avoiding walk in which steps may be to the left, right, or straight ahead after a vertical step, but only straight ahead or to the left after a horizontal step. A ...
The three-chord lemma states that in the figure above, l_1+l_2=2lcostheta.
A three-colorable graph G is a graph with chromatic number chi(G)<=3.
Color each segment of a knot diagram using one of three colors. If 1. At any crossing, either the colors are all different or all the same, and 2. At least two colors are ...
A cubic map is three-colorable iff each interior region is bounded by an even number of regions. A non-cubic map bounded by an even number of regions is not necessarily ...
A logical structure which does not assume the law of the excluded middle. Three truth values are possible: true, false, or undecided. There are 3072 such logics.
The three circles theorem, also called Hadamard's three circles theorem (Edwards 2001, p. 187), states that if f is an analytic function in the annulus 0<r_1<|z|<r_2<infty, ...
If three conics pass through two given points Q and Q^', then the lines joining the other two intersections of each pair of conics P_(ij)P_(ij)^' are concurrent at a point X ...