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The position of a rational number in the sequence 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 1/3, 3/1, 1/4, 2/3, 3/2, 4/1, 1/5, ..., ordered in terms of increasing numerator+denominator.
The sequency k of a Walsh function is defined as half the number of zero crossings in the time base.
A sequent is an expression Gamma|-Lambda, where Gamma and Lambda are (possibly empty) sequences of formulas. Here, Gamma is called the antecedent and Lambda is called the ...
A connected graph having e graph edges is said to be sequential if it is possible to label the nodes i with distinct integers f_i in {0,1,2,...,e-1} such that when graph edge ...
A sequential substitution system is a substitution system in which a string is scanned from left to right for the first occurrence of the first rule pattern. If the pattern ...
In combinatorial mathematics, the series-parallel networks problem asks for the number of networks that can be formed using a given number of edges. The edges can be ...
A series-reduced tree is a tree in which all nodes have degree other than 2 (in other words, no node merely allows a single edge to "pass through"). Series-reduced trees are ...
A series is an infinite ordered set of terms combined together by the addition operator. The term "infinite series" is sometimes used to emphasize the fact that series ...
The bias of a series is defined as Q[a_i,a_(i+1),a_(i+2)]=(a_ia_(i+2)-a_(i+1)^2)/(a_ia_(i+1)a_(i+2)). A series is geometric iff Q=0. A series is artistic iff the bias is ...
A series expansion is a representation of a particular function as a sum of powers in one of its variables, or by a sum of powers of another (usually elementary) function ...
