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A number of spellings of "Chebyshev" (which is the spelling used exclusively in this work) are commonly found in the literature. These include Tchebicheff, Čebyšev, ...
Differential algebra is a field of mathematics that attempts to use methods from abstract algebra to study solutions of systems of polynomial nonlinear ordinary and partial ...
The set containing no elements, commonly denoted emptyset or emptyset, the former of which is used in this work. These correspond to Wolfram Language and TeX characters ...
The Goldner-Harary polyhedron is the term given in this work to the polyhedral embedding of the Goldner-Harary graph. This solid is an augmented triangular dipyramid, a ...
Following the work of Fuchs in classifying first-order ordinary differential equations, Painlevé studied second-order ordinary differential equation of the form ...
A system of curvilinear coordinates in which two sets of coordinate surfaces are obtained by revolving the parabolas of parabolic cylindrical coordinates about the x-axis, ...
A system of curvilinear coordinates. There are several different conventions for the orientation and designation of these coordinates. Arfken (1970) defines coordinates ...
An idealized computing machine consisting of a fixed set of data registers and set of instructions for operating on them. Register machines are also known as counter machines ...
Consider a star graph S_(n+1) consisting of a central hub vertex and n spokes, but instead of placing a single point at the end of each spoke, place k points along it (in ...
A tetrahedral ring is a term given in this work to a set of n regular tetrahedra joined face-to-face sharing a common edge (with internal conjoined faces removed). These ...
