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The Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) condition is a kind of boundary-value condition which naturally emerges in quantum statistical mechanics and related areas. Given a quantum ...
The Schrödinger equation describes the motion of particles in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, and was first written down by Erwin Schrödinger. The time-dependent ...
The diagonal slash "/" used as the bar between numerator and denominator of an in-line fraction (Bringhurst 1997, p. 284). The solidus is also called a diagonal. Special care ...
A surface (or "space") of section, also called a Poincaré section (Rasband 1990, pp. 7 and 93-94), is a way of presenting a trajectory in n-dimensional phase space in an ...
The Thomson problem is to determine the stable equilibrium positions of n classical electrons constrained to move on the surface of a sphere and repelling each other by an ...
The envelope of the plane lx+my+nz=c, (1) where c is the speed of propagation of a wave in the direction (l,m,n) (i.e., l, m, and n are the direction cosines) is known as the ...
The set of graph eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix is called the spectrum of the graph. (But note that in physics, the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix of a graph are ...
Macdonald's constant term conjectures are related to root systems of Lie algebras (Macdonald 1982, Andrews 1986). They can be regarded as generalizations of Dyson's ...
The Remez algorithm (Remez 1934), also called the Remez exchange algorithm, is an application of the Chebyshev alternation theorem that constructs the polynomial of best ...
There are certain optimization problems that become unmanageable using combinatorial methods as the number of objects becomes large. A typical example is the traveling ...
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