
Search Results for "work energy"

11 - 20 of 433 for work energySearch Results
A single axiom that is satisfied only by NAND or NOR must be of the form "something equals a," since otherwise constant functions would satisfy the equation. With up to six ...
The double bar symbol | is used to denote certain kinds of norms in mathematics (e.g., ||x|| or ||x||_2). It is also used to denote parallel lines, as in A∥B, and in an older ...
A graph with minimum vertex degree at least 5 is a line graph iff it does not contain any of the above six graphs, known in this work as Metelsky graphs, as an induced ...
The so-called Malthusian equation is an antiquated term for the equation N(t)=N_0e^(lambdat) describing exponential growth. The constant lambda is sometimes called the ...
Building on work of Huntington (1933ab), Robbins conjectured that the equations for a Robbins algebra, commutativity, associativity, and the Robbins axiom !(!(x v y) v !(x v ...
Let R be the set of all sets which are not members of themselves. Then R is neither a member of itself nor not a member of itself. Symbolically, let R={x:x not in x}. Then R ...
While some authors define "circumference" as distance around an arbitrary closed object (sometimes restricted to a closed curved object), in the work, the term "perimeter" is ...
There are two different definitions of the polar angle. In the plane, the polar angle theta is the counterclockwise angle from the x-axis at which a point in the xy-plane ...
A central circle is a circle with trilinear equation (lalpha+mbeta+ngamma)(aalpha+bbeta+cgamma)+k(abetagamma+bgammaalpha+calphabeta)=0 such that l:m:n is a triangle center ...
An embedding of a 1-sphere in a 3-manifold which exists continuously over the 2-disk also extends over the disk as an embedding. An alternate phrasing is that if a knot group ...
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