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In real and functional analysis, equicontinuity is a concept which extends the notion of uniform continuity from a single function to collection of functions. Given ...
Given a subset K of a vector space X, a nonempty subset S subset K is called an extreme set of K if no point of S is an internal point of any line interval whose endpoints ...
An extension field F subset= K is called finite if the dimension of K as a vector space over F (the so-called degree of K over F) is finite. A finite field extension is ...
Let X(x)=X(x_1,x_2,...,x_n) be a random vector in R^n and let f_X(x) be a probability distribution on X with continuous first and second order partial derivatives. The Fisher ...
For any sequence of integers 0<n_1<...<n_k, there is a flag manifold of type (n_1, ..., n_k) which is the collection of ordered sets of vector subspaces of R^(n_k) (V_1, ..., ...
A function f is Fréchet differentiable at a if lim_(x->a)(f(x)-f(a))/(x-a) exists. This is equivalent to the statement that phi has a removable discontinuity at a, where ...
An (m+1)-dimensional subspace W of an (n+1)-dimensional vector space V can be specified by an (m+1)×(n+1) matrix whose rows are the coordinates of a basis of W. The set of ...
A univariate distribution proportional to the F-distribution. If the vector d is Gaussian multivariate-distributed with zero mean and unit covariance matrix N_p(0,I) and M is ...
Admitting an inverse. An object that is invertible is referred to as an invertible element in a monoid or a unit ring, or to a map, which admits an inverse map iff it is ...
Given a map f:S->T between sets S and T, the map g:T->S is called a left inverse to f provided that g degreesf=id_S, that is, composing f with g from the left gives the ...
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