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A ruled surface M is a normal developable of a curve y if M can be parameterized by x(u,v)=y(u)+vN^^(u), where N is the normal vector (Gray 1993, pp. 352-354; first edition ...
Let A:D(A)->H and B:D(B)->H be linear operators from domains D(A) and D(B), respectively, into a Hilbert space H. It is said that B extends A if D(A) subset D(B) and if Bv=Av ...
The permutohedron is the n-dimensional generalization of the hexagon. The n-permutohedron is the convex hull of all permutations of the vector (x_1,x_2,...,x_(n+1)) in ...
The index of a vector field with finitely many zeros on a compact, oriented manifold is the same as the Euler characteristic of the manifold.
The root lattice of a semisimple Lie algebra is the discrete lattice generated by the Lie algebra roots in h^*, the dual vector space to the Cartan subalgebra.
The single bar | is a notation variously used to denote the absolute value |x|, complex modulus |z|, vector norm |x|, determinant |A|, or "divides" (a|b).
A horizontal line placed under a symbol to indicate some special property. Underscores are sometimes used instead of over-arrows or bold typeface to indicate a vector, for ...
Let (a)_i be a sequence of complex numbers and let the lower triangular matrices F=(f)_(nk) and G=(g)_(nk) be defined as f_(nk)=(product_(j=k)^(n-1)(a_j+k))/((n-k)!) and ...
The nullity of a linear transformation f:V->W of vector spaces is the dimension of its null space. The nullity and the map rank add up to the dimension of V, a result ...
The rule which determines the orientation of the cross product u×v. The right-hand rule states that the orientation of the vectors' cross product is determined by placing u ...