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A groupoid S such that for all a,b in S, there exist unique x,y in S such that ax = b (1) ya = b. (2) No other restrictions are applied; thus a quasigroup need not have an ...
Rational numbers are countable, so an order can be placed on them just like the natural numbers. Although such an ordering is not obvious (nor unique), one such ordering can ...
The term "real line" has a number of different meanings in mathematics. Most commonly, "real line" is used to mean real axis, i.e., a line with a fixed scale so that every ...
The binary quadratic form F=<a,b,c> is said to be reduced if the following conditions hold. Let D=b^2-4ac be the discriminant, then 1. If D is negative, F is reduced if ...
The Ricci flow equation is the evolution equation d/(dt)g_(ij)(t)=-2R_(ij) for a Riemannian metric g_(ij), where R_(ij) is the Ricci curvature tensor. Hamilton (1982) showed ...
A Schauder basis for a Banach space X is a sequence {x_n} in X with the property that every x in X has a unique representation of the form x=sum_(n=1)^(infty)alpha_nx_n for ...
Scientific notation is the expression of a number n in the form a×10^p, where p=|_log_(10)|n|_| (1) is the floor of the base-10 logarithm of n (the "order of magnitude"), and ...
A set S and a binary operator * are said to exhibit closure if applying the binary operator to two elements S returns a value which is itself a member of S. The closure of a ...
A sheaf is a presheaf with "something" added allowing us to define things locally. This task is forbidden for presheaves in general. Specifically, a presheaf F on a ...
A Steiner system S(t,k,v) is a set X of v points, and a collection of subsets of X of size k (called blocks), such that any t points of X are in exactly one of the blocks. ...
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