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A single-valued function is function that, for each point in the domain, has a unique value in the range. It is therefore one-to-one or many-to-one. A single-valued complex ...
A function f which may (but does not necessarily) associate a given member of the range of f with more than one member of the domain of f. For example, trigonometric ...
The free part of the homology group with a domain of coefficients in the group of integers (if this homology group is finitely generated).
A convex planar domain in which the minimal generalized diameter is >1 always contains a circle of radius 1/3.
A linear operator A:D(A)->H from its domain D(A) into a Hilbert space H is closed if for any sequence of vectors v_n in D(A) such that v_n->v and Av_n->x as n->infty, it ...
For an atomic integral domain R (i.e., one in which every nonzero nonunit can be factored as a product of irreducible elements) with I(R) the set of irreducible elements, the ...
A function f is said to have a upper bound C if f(x)<=C for all x in its domain. The least upper bound is called the supremum. A set is said to be bounded from above if it ...
The ring of fractions of an integral domain. The field of fractions of the ring of integers Z is the rational field Q, and the field of fractions of the polynomial ring ...
A polynomial admitting a multiplicative inverse. In the polynomial ring R[x], where R is an integral domain, the invertible polynomials are precisely the constant polynomials ...
Let f be analytic on a domain U subset= C, and assume that f never vanishes. Then if there is a point z_0 in U such that |f(z_0)|<=|f(z)| for all z in U, then f is constant. ...
