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481 - 490 of 1215 for unique factorization domainSearch Results
Let z_0 be a point in a simply connected region R!=C, where C is the complex plane. Then there is a unique analytic function w=f(z) mapping R one-to-one onto the disk |w|<1 ...
A graph G whose line graph is L(G) is called the root graph R(L(G)) of L(G). In order words, R(L(G))=G. The root graph of a connected graph is unique except for K_3=C_3 (the ...
Given a sequence of values {a_k}_(k=1)^n, the running maxima are the sequence of values {max(a_1,...,a_k)}_(k=1)^n. So, for example, given a sequence (3,5,7,8,8,5,7,9,2,5), ...
An algebra with no nontrivial nilpotent ideals. In the 1890s, Cartan, Frobenius, and Molien independently proved that any finite-dimensional semisimple algebra over the real ...
Let H be a two-dimensional distribution function with marginal distribution functions F and G. Then there exists a copula C such that H(x,y)=C(F(x),G(y)). Conversely, for any ...
Let H be a Hilbert space, B(H) the set of bounded linear operators from H to itself, T an operator on H, and sigma(T) the operator spectrum of T. Then if T in B(H) and T is ...
Possessing a single unique mode. The term unimodal distribution, which refers to a distribution having a single local maximum is a slight corruption of this definition.
In general, there is no unique matrix solution A to the matrix equation y=Ax. Even in the case of y parallel to x, there are still multiple matrices that perform this ...
Let B_t={B_t(omega)/omega in Omega}, t>=0, be one-dimensional Brownian motion. Integration with respect to B_t was defined by Itô (1951). A basic result of the theory is that ...
A polyhedron is said to be canonical if all its polyhedron edges touch a sphere and the center of gravity of their contact points is the center of that sphere. In other ...
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