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There are several commonly used methods of defining the slippery, but extremely important, concept of a continuous function (which, depending on context, may also be called a ...
All lengths can be expressed as real numbers.
Given a quadratic form Q(x,y)=x^2+y^2, (1) then Q(x,y)Q(x^',y^')=Q(xx^'-yy^',x^'y+xy^'), (2) since (x^2+y^2)(x^('2)+y^('2)) = (xx^'-yy^')^2+(xy^'+x^'y)^2 (3) = ...
An orthogonal projection of a cross onto a three-dimensional subspace. It is said to be normalized if the cross vectors are all of unit length.
A fiber space, depending on context, means either a fiber bundle or a fibration.
Two nonsingular forms are equivalent over the rationals iff they have the same determinant and the same p-signatures for all p.
A basis of a modular system M is any set of polynomials B_1, B_2, ... of M such that every polynomial of M is expressible in the form R_1B_1+R_2B_2+..., where R_1, R_2, ... ...
Always increasing; never remaining constant or decreasing. Also called strictly increasing.
One of the four 5-polyiamonds are called pentiamonds.
A sum over all cluster perimeters.
