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The problem of forecasting future values X_(t+tau) (tau>0) of a weakly stationary process {X_t} from the known values X_s (s<=t).
Every odd integer n is a prime or the sum of three primes. This problem is closely related to Vinogradov's theorem.
If at least one solution can be determined for a given problem, a solution to that problem is said to exist. Frequently, mathematicians seek to prove the existence of ...
A shortest path between two vertices of a graph is a graph path of shortest possible length between them. Such paths are also known as graph geodesics, and the matrix giving ...
A binary relation associated with an instance of the stable marriage problem. Stable marriages correspond to vertices with outdegree 0 in the divorce digraph (Skiena 1990, p. ...
The geometry resulting from the application of the inversion operation. It can be especially powerful for solving apparently difficult problems such as Steiner's porism and ...
The problem of maximizing a linear function over a convex polyhedron, also known as operations research or optimization theory. The general problem of convex optimization is ...
Cauchy conditions are initial conditions (time conditions) rather than boundary conditions (space conditions). An initial-value problem is often termed a Cauchy problem. ...
A method which can be used to solve the initial value problem for certain classes of nonlinear partial differential equations. The method reduces the initial value problem to ...
The so-called reaching algorithm can solve the shortest path problem (i.e., the problem of finding the graph geodesic between two given nodes) on an m-edge graph in O(m) ...
