
Search Results for "traveling salesman problem"

1021 - 1030 of 1538 for traveling salesman problemSearch Results
A unit matrix is an integer matrix consisting of all 1s. The m×n unit matrix is often denoted J_(mn), or J_n if m=n. Square unit matrices J_n have determinant 0 for n>=2. An ...
The Voronov-Neopryatnaya-Dergachev graphs are two graphs on 372 and 972 vertices which have unit-distance embeddings with all vertices on a sphere and chromatic number 5. The ...
A number n is called wasteful if the number of digits in the prime factorization of n (including powers) uses more digits than the number of digits in n. The first few ...
A prime number is said to be weakly prime if changing a single digit to every other possible digit produces a composite number when performed on each digit. The first few ...
Let any finite or infinite set of points having no finite limit point be prescribed, and associate with each of its points a definite positive integer as its order. Then ...
The prime link 05-0201, illustrated above, with braid word sigma_1^2sigma_2^2sigma_1^(-1)sigma_2^(-2) or sigma_1sigma_2^(-1)sigma_1sigma_2^(-2) and Jones polynomial ...
Conditions arising in the study of the Robbins axiom and its connection with Boolean algebra. Winkler studied Boolean conditions (such as idempotence or existence of a zero) ...
The constants C_n defined by C_n=[int_0^infty|d/(dt)((sint)/t)^n|dt]-1. (1) These constants can also be written as the sums C_n=2sum_(k=1)^infty(1+x_k^2)^(-n/2), (2) and ...
An amazing pandigital approximation to e that is correct to 18457734525360901453873570 decimal digits is given by (1+9^(-4^(7·6)))^(3^(2^(85))), (1) found by R. Sabey in 2004 ...
A k-coloring of a graph G is a vertex coloring that is an assignment of one of k possible colors to each vertex of G (i.e., a vertex coloring) such that no two adjacent ...
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