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If M^n is a finite simplicial complex of dimension n>=5 that has the homotopy type of the sphere S^n and is locally piecewise linearly homeomorphic to the Euclidean space ...
The mathematical study of the likelihood and probability of events occurring based on known information and inferred by taking a limited number of samples. Statistics plays ...
A construction done using only a straightedge. The Poncelet-Steiner theorem proves that all constructions possible using a compass and straightedge are possible using a ...
A Størmer number is a positive integer n for which the greatest prime factor p of n^2+1 is at least 2n. Every Gregory number t_x can be expressed uniquely as a sum of t_ns ...
A second-order ordinary differential equation d/(dx)[p(x)(dy)/(dx)]+[lambdaw(x)-q(x)]y=0, where lambda is a constant and w(x) is a known function called either the density or ...
Let U subset= C be an open set and f a real-valued continuous function on U. Suppose that for each closed disk D^_(P,r) subset= U and every real-valued harmonic function h ...
For a graph vertex x of a graph, let Gamma_x and Delta_x denote the subgraphs of Gamma-x induced by the graph vertices adjacent to and nonadjacent to x, respectively. The ...
A tautology is a logical statement in which the conclusion is equivalent to the premise. More colloquially, it is formula in propositional calculus which is always true ...
The three circles theorem, also called Hadamard's three circles theorem (Edwards 2001, p. 187), states that if f is an analytic function in the annulus 0<r_1<|z|<r_2<infty, ...
The Thue-Morse sequence, also called the Morse-Thue sequence or Prouhet-Thue-Morse sequence (Allouche and Cosnard 2000), is one of a number of related sequences of numbers ...
