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By way of analogy with the eban numbers, uban numbers are defined as numbers whose English names do not contain the letter "u" (i.e., "u" is banned). Note that this ...
An apodization function A(x)=1, (1) having instrument function I(k)=2asinc(2pika). (2) The peak of I(k) is 2a. The full width at half maximum of I(k) can found by setting ...
Let A be a C^*-algebra having no unit. Then A^~=A direct sum C as a vector spaces together with 1. (a,lambda)+(b,mu)=(a+b,lambda+mu). 2. mu(a,lambda)=(mua,mulambda). 3. ...
A variate is a generalization of the concept of a random variable that is defined without reference to a particular type of probabilistic experiment. It is defined as the set ...
For a second-order ordinary differential equation, y^('')+p(x)y^'+q(x)y=g(x). (1) Assume that linearly independent solutions y_1(x) and y_2(x) are known to the homogeneous ...
There are a number of algebraic identities involving sets of four vectors. An identity known as Lagrange's identity is given by (AxB)·(CxD)=(A·C)(B·D)-(A·D)(B·C) (1) ...
A weak snark is a cyclically 4-edge connected cubic graph with edge chromatic number 4 and girth at least 4 (Brinkmann et al. 2013). Weak snarks therefore represent a more ...
Consider the differential equation satisfied by w=z^(-1/2)W_(k,-1/4)(1/2z^2), (1) where W is a Whittaker function, which is given by ...
The Weibull distribution is given by P(x) = alphabeta^(-alpha)x^(alpha-1)e^(-(x/beta)^alpha) (1) D(x) = 1-e^(-(x/beta)^alpha) (2) for x in [0,infty), and is implemented in ...
Let all of the functions f_n(z)=sum_(k=0)^inftya_k^((n))(z-z_0)^k (1) with n=0, 1, 2, ..., be regular at least for |z-z_0|<r, and let F(z) = sum_(n=0)^(infty)f_n(z) (2) = (3) ...
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