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3441 - 3450 of 4757 for thethao saigongiaiphong ? Results
The White House switchboard constant is the name given by Munroe (2012) to the constant W = exp[-(1+8^(1/(e-1)))^(1/pi)] (1) = 0.202456141492... (2) (OEIS A182064), the first ...
Let B_n(r) be the n-dimensional closed ball of radius r>1 centered at the origin. A function which is defined on B(r) is called an extension to B(r) of a function f defined ...
(d^2u)/(dz^2)+(du)/(dz)+(k/z+(1/4-m^2)/(z^2))u=0. (1) Let u=e^(-z/2)W_(k,m)(z), where W_(k,m)(z) denotes a Whittaker function. Then (1) becomes ...
Two points P,Q on a compact Riemann surface such that P lies on every geodesic passing through Q, and conversely. An oriented surface where every point belongs to a ...
Willans' formula is a prime-generating formula due to Willan (1964) that is defined as follows. Let F(j) = |_cos^2[pi((j-1)!+1)/j]_| (1) = {1 for j=1 or j prime; 0 otherwise ...
Begin with the Yff central triangle and then parallel-displace the isoscelizers in such a way as to reduce the central triangle to a point while keeping the other three ...
The Yff circles are the two triplets of congruent circle in which each circle is tangent to two sides of a reference triangle. In each case, the triplets intersect pairwise ...
An inconic with parameters x:y:z=a(b-c):b(c-a):c(a-b), (1) giving equation (2) (Kimberling 1998, pp. 238-239). Its focus is Kimberling center X_(101) and its conic section ...
The Yiu A-circle of a reference triangle DeltaABC is the circle passing through vertex A and the reflections of vertices B and C with respect to the opposite sides. The Yiu ...
The identity element of an additive monoid or group or of any other algebraic structure (e.g., ring, module, abstract vector space, algebra) equipped with an addition. It is ...
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