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3021 - 3030 of 4757 for thethao saigongiaiphong ? Results
The inverse Gaussian distribution, also known as the Wald distribution, is the distribution over [0,infty) with probability density function and distribution function given ...
The inverse haversine function hav^(-1)(z) is defined by hav^(-1)(z)=2sin^(-1)(sqrt(z)). (1) The inverse haversine is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
A system of coordinates obtained by inversion of the oblate spheroids and one-sheeted hyperboloids in oblate spheroidal coordinates. The inverse oblate spheroidal coordinates ...
A system of coordinates obtained by inversion of the prolate spheroids and two-sheeted hyperboloids in prolate spheroidal coordinates. The inverse prolate spheroidal ...
The geometry resulting from the application of the inversion operation. It can be especially powerful for solving apparently difficult problems such as Steiner's porism and ...
Admitting an inverse. An object that is invertible is referred to as an invertible element in a monoid or a unit ring, or to a map, which admits an inverse map iff it is ...
Let S(T) be the group of symmetries which map a monohedral tiling T onto itself. The transitivity class of a given tile T is then the collection of all tiles to which T can ...
An authalic latitude which is directly proportional to the spacing of parallels of latitude from the equator on an ellipsoidal Mercator projection. It is defined by ...
A right triangle with the two legs (and their corresponding angles) equal. An isosceles right triangle therefore has angles of 45 degrees, 45 degrees, and 90 degrees. For an ...
Find the surface enclosing the maximum volume per unit surface area, I=V/S. The solution is a sphere, which has I_(sphere)=(4/3pir^3)/(4pir^2)=1/3r. The fact that a sphere ...
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