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Given a Taylor series f(z)=sum_(n=0)^inftyC_nz^n=sum_(n=0)^inftyC_nr^ne^(intheta), (1) where the complex number z has been written in the polar form z=re^(itheta), examine ...
The pure equation x^p=C of prime degree p is irreducible over a field when C is a number of the field but not the pth power of an element of the field. Jeffreys and Jeffreys ...
Let {u_n(x)} be a sequence of functions. If 1. u_n(x) can be written u_n(x)=a_nf_n(x), 2. suma_n is convergent, 3. f_n(x) is a monotonic decreasing sequence (i.e., ...
The word adjoint has a number of related meanings. In linear algebra, it refers to the conjugate transpose and is most commonly denoted A^(H). The analogous concept applied ...
Let P be the set of prime ideals of a commutative ring A. Then an affine scheme is a technical mathematical object defined as the ring spectrum sigma(A) of P, regarded as a ...
An affine tensor is a tensor that corresponds to certain allowable linear coordinate transformations, T:x^_^i=a^i_jx^j, where the determinant of a^i_j is nonzero. This ...
Fok (1946) and Hazewinkel (1988, p. 65) call v(z) = 1/2sqrt(pi)Ai(z) (1) w_1(z) = 2e^(ipi/6)v(omegaz) (2) w_2(z) = 2e^(-ipi/6)v(omega^(-1)z), (3) where Ai(z) is an Airy ...
Suppose that X is a vector space over the field of complex or real numbers. Then the set of all linear functionals on X forms a vector space called the algebraic conjugate ...
Given a field F and an extension field K superset= F, an element alpha in K is called algebraic over F if it is a root of some nonzero polynomial with coefficients in F. ...
An algebraic function is a function f(x) which satisfies p(x,f(x))=0, where p(x,y) is a polynomial in x and y with integer coefficients. Functions that can be constructed ...
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