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The natural norm induced by the L-infty-norm is called the maximum absolute row sum norm and is defined by ||A||_infty=max_(i)sum_(j=1)^n|a_(ij)| for a matrix A. This matrix ...
The maximum degree, sometimes simply called the maximum degree, of a graph G is the largest vertex degree of G, denoted Delta.
For every infinite loop space machine E, there is a natural equivalence of spectra between EX and Segal's spectrum BX.
Simple majority vote is the only procedure which is anonymous, dual, and monotonic.
Let f and g be nonnegative and continuous functions on the closed interval [a,b], then the solid of revolution obtained by rotating the curves f(x) and g(x) about the x-axis ...
The minimum excluded value. The mex of a set S of nonnegative integers is the least nonnegative integer not in the set.
For a catastrophically unstable recurrence in one direction, any seed values for consecutive x_j and x_(j+1) will converge to the desired sequence of functions in the ...
If a compact manifold M has nonnegative Ricci curvature tensor, then its fundamental group has at most polynomial growth. On the other hand, if M has negative curvature, then ...
The symbol "-" which is used to denote a negative number or subtraction.
A quartic surface named after its resemblance to the liturgical headdress worn by bishops and given by the equation 4x^2(x^2+y^2+z^2)-y^2(1-y^2-z^2)=0.
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