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An n-dimensional manifold M is said to be a homotopy sphere, if it is homotopy equivalent to the n-sphere S^n. Thus no homotopy group can distinguish between M and S^n. The ...
The Diophantine equation x_1^2+x_2^2+...+x_n^2=ax_1x_2...x_n which has no integer solutions for a>n.
A linear transformation A:R^n->R^n is hyperbolic if none of its eigenvalues has modulus 1. This means that R^n can be written as a direct sum of two A-invariant subspaces E^s ...
A hyperelliptic curve is an algebraic curve given by an equation of the form y^2=f(x), where f(x) is a polynomial of degree n>4 with n distinct roots. If f(x) is a cubic or ...
A two-player game in which player 1 chooses any finite game and player 2 moves first. A pseudoparadox then arises as to whether the hypergame is itself a finite game.
The analytic summation of a hypergeometric series. Powerful general techniques of hypergeometric summation include Gosper's algorithm, Sister Celine's method, Wilf-Zeilberger ...
A hyperstring is a simple semi-Hamiltonian acyclic digraph (V,E) with a labeling of the edges in E such that, for all vertices i,j,p,q in V, either pi(i,j)=pi(p,q) or pi(i,j) ...
An icositetrahedron is a 24-faced polyhedron. Examples include the deltoidal icositetrahedron, pentagonal icositetrahedron, small triakis octahedron, and tetrakis hexahedron.
When f:A->B is a ring homomorphism and b is an ideal in B, then f^(-1)(b) is an ideal in A, called the contraction of b and sometimes denoted b^c. The contraction of a prime ...
The multiplicative subgroup of all elements in the product of the multiplicative groups k_nu^× whose absolute value is 1 at all but finitely many nu, where k is a number ...
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