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1931 - 1940 of 4757 for thethao saigongiaiphong ? Results
The conditional probability of an event A assuming that B has occurred, denoted P(A|B), equals P(A|B)=(P(A intersection B))/(P(B)), (1) which can be proven directly using a ...
Confocal parabolas are parabolas sharing a common focus.
Two square matrices A and B are called congruent if there exists a nonsingular matrix P such that B=P^(T)AP, where P^(T) is the transpose.
A number h which satisfies the conditions of the congruum problem: x^2+h=a^2 and x^2-h=b^2, where x,h,a,b are integers. The list of congrua is given by 24, 96, 120, 240, 336, ...
A function f(x) is said to be constructible if some algorithm F computes it, in binary, within volume O(f(x)), i.e., V_(F(x))=O(f(x)). Here, the volume V_(A(x)) is the ...
The contact angle between a sphere and a tangent plane is the angle alpha between the normal to the sphere at the point of tangency and the basal plane with respect to which ...
A sentence is called a contingency if its truth table contains at least one 'T' and at least one 'F.'
f(x)=1/x-|_1/x_| for x in [0,1], where |_x_| is the floor function. The natural invariant of the map is rho(y)=1/((1+y)ln2).
A continuous vector bundle is a vector bundle pi:E->M with only the structure of a topological manifold. The map pi is continuous. It has no smooth structure or bundle metric.
The 6-polyiamond illustrated above.
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