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1901 - 1910 of 4757 for thethao saigongiaiphong ? Results
The radial curve of the catenary x = t (1) y = cosht (2) with radiant point (x_0,y_0) is given by x_r = x_0-coshtsinht (3) y_r = y_0+cosht. (4)
Let X_1,X_2 subset P^2 be cubic plane curves meeting in nine points p_1, ..., p_9. If X subset P^2 is any cubic containing p_1, ..., p_8, then X contains p_9 as well. It is ...
The metric of Felix Klein's model for hyperbolic geometry, g_(11) = (a^2(1-x_2^2))/((1-x_1^2-x_2^2)^2) (1) g_(12) = (a^2x_1x_2)/((1-x_1^2-x_2^2)^2) (2) g_(22) = ...
A dilation that is not merely a translation. Two triangles related by a central dilation are said to be perspective triangles because the lines joining corresponding vertices ...
A point in a weighted tree that has minimum weight for the tree. The set of all centroid points is called a tree centroid (Harary 1994, p. 36). The largest possible values ...
A convex set K is centro-symmetric, sometimes also called centrally symmetric, if it has a center p that bisects every chord of K through p.
A change of coordinates matrix, also called a transition matrix, specifies the transformation from one vector basis to another under a change of basis. For example, if ...
The equation f(x_n|x_s)=int_(-infty)^inftyf(x_n|x_r)f(x_r|x_s)dx_r which gives the transitional densities of a Markov sequence. Here, n>r>s are any integers (Papoulis 1984, ...
Characteristic classes are cohomology classes in the base space of a vector bundle, defined through obstruction theory, which are (perhaps partial) obstructions to the ...
A fake knot (i.e., a knot equivalent to the unknot) created by tying a square knot, then looping one end twice through the knot such that when both ends are pulled, the knot ...
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