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By way of analogy with the prime counting function pi(x), the notation pi_(a,b)(x) denotes the number of primes of the form ak+b less than or equal to x (Shanks 1993, pp. ...
The numerical value of ln10 is given by ln10=2.302585092994045684... (OEIS A002392). It was computed to 10^(11) decimal digits by S. Kondo on May 20, 2011 (Yee). The Earls ...
The negabinary representation of a number n is its representation in base -2 (i.e., base negative 2). It is therefore given by the coefficients a_na_(n-1)...a_1a_0 in n = ...
A primitive polynomial is a polynomial that generates all elements of an extension field from a base field. Primitive polynomials are also irreducible polynomials. For any ...
A Proth number that is prime, i.e., a number of the form N=k·2^n+1 for odd k, n a positive integer, and 2^n>k. Factors of Fermat numbers are of this form as long as they ...
The rank polynomial R(x,y) of a general graph G is the function defined by R(x,y)=sum_(S subset= E(G))x^(r(S))y^(s(S)), (1) where the sum is taken over all subgraphs (i.e., ...
Let G be a graph, and suppose each edge of G is independently deleted with fixed probability 0<=p<=1. Then the probability that no connected component of G is disconnected as ...
Abstractly, a spatial configuration F is said to possess rotational symmetry if F remains invariant under the group C=C(F). Here, C(F) denotes the group of rotations of F and ...
A simple directed graph is a directed graph having no multiple edges or graph loops (corresponding to a binary adjacency matrix with 0s on the diagonal). The number of simple ...
Consider the consecutive number sequences formed by the concatenation of the first n positive integers: 1, 12, 123, 1234, ... (OEIS A007908; Smarandache 1993, Dumitrescu and ...
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