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1461 - 1470 of 4757 for thethao saigongiaiphong ? Results
Spherical triangles into which a sphere is divided by the planes of symmetry of a uniform polyhedron.
Two real algebraic manifolds are equivalent iff they are analytically homeomorphic (Nash 1952).
In every residue class modulo p, there is exactly one integer polynomial with coefficients >=0 and <=p-1. This polynomial is called the normal polynomial modulo p in the ...
The number of "arrangements" in an ordering of n items is given by either a combination (order is ignored) or a permutation (order is significant). An ordering (or order) is ...
A fixed point of a linear transformation for which the rescaled variables satisfy (delta-alpha)^2+4betagamma=0.
Let n-1=FR where F is the factored part of a number F=p_1^(a_1)...p_r^(a_r), (1) where (R,F)=1, and R<sqrt(n). Pocklington's theorem, also known as the Pocklington-Lehmer ...
Members of a coaxal system satisfy x^2+y^2+2lambdax+c=(x+lambda)^2+y^2+c-lambda^2=0 for values of lambda. Picking lambda^2=c then gives the two circles (x+/-sqrt(c))^2+y^2=0 ...
A positive measure is a measure which is a function from the measurable sets of a measure space to the nonnegative real numbers. Sometimes, this is what is meant by measure, ...
Let S be a collection of subsets of a set X and let mu:S->[0,infty] be a set function. The function mu is called a premeasure provided that mu is finitely additive, countably ...
A relation "<=" is called a preorder (or quasiorder) on a set S if it satisfies: 1. Reflexivity: a<=a for all a in S. 2. Transitivity: a<=b and b<=c implies a<=c. A preorder ...
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