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1351 - 1360 of 4757 for thethao saigongiaiphong ? Results
The symbol used in continental Europe, most of North and South America (with the exception of the United States and Canada), and most of Africa to denote a decimal point, for ...
An algebraic surface of degree 12. Examples of dodecic surfaces include the figure-eight parametrization of the Klein bottle and Sarti dodecic.
Parallel lines are everywhere equidistant. This postulate is equivalent to the parallel postulate.
A map projection in which the distances between one or two points and every other point on the map differ from the corresponding distances on the sphere by only a constant ...
Let D be a planar Abelian difference set and t be any divisor of n. Then t is a numerical multiplier of D, where a multiplier is defined as an automorphism alpha of a group G ...
If two groups are residual to a third, every group residual to one is residual to the other. The Gambier extension of this theorem states that if two groups are ...
The symbol int used to denote an integral intf(x)dx. The symbol was invented by Leibniz and chosen to be a stylized script "S" to stand for "summation."
Let sum_(k=0)^(infty)a_k=a and sum_(k=0)^(infty)c_k=c be convergent series such that lim_(k->infty)(a_k)/(c_k)=lambda!=0. Then ...
The sequence composed of 1s and 2s obtained by starting with the number 1, and picking subsequent elements to avoid repeating the longest possible substring. The first few ...
Let (A,<=) be a partially ordered set. Then an element m in A is said to be maximal if, for all a in A, m!<=a. Alternatively, an element m in A is maximal such that if m<=a ...
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