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1331 - 1340 of 4757 for thethao saigongiaiphong ? Results
A puzzle in logic in which one or more facts must be inferred from a set of given facts.
A mathematical structure (e.g., a group, vector space, or smooth manifold) in a category.
A modulo multiplication group is a finite group M_m of residue classes prime to m under multiplication mod m. M_m is Abelian of group order phi(m), where phi(m) is the ...
The field F^_ is called an algebraic closure of F if F^_ is algebraic over F and if every polynomial f(x) in F[x] splits completely over F^_, so that F^_ can be said to ...
A random number generator produced by iterating X_(n+1)=|100lnX_n (mod 1)| for a seed X_0=0.1. This simple generator passes the noise sphere test for randomness by showing no ...
The (upper) vertex independence number of a graph, often called simply "the" independence number, is the cardinality of the largest independent vertex set, i.e., the size of ...
The degree of a graph vertex of a graph is the number of graph edges which touch the graph vertex, also called the local degree. The graph vertex degree of a point A in a ...
Every position of every impartial game has a nim-value, making it equivalent to a nim-heap. To find the nim-value (also called the Sprague-Grundy number), take the mex of the ...
The Griewank function is a function widely used to test the convergence of optimization functions. The Griewank function of order n is defined by ...
The (lower) domination number gamma(G) of a graph G is the minimum size of a dominating set of vertices in G, i.e., the size of a minimum dominating set. This is equivalent ...
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