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Let f(t) and g(t) be arbitrary functions of time t with Fourier transforms. Take f(t) = F_nu^(-1)[F(nu)](t)=int_(-infty)^inftyF(nu)e^(2piinut)dnu (1) g(t) = ...
Let {a_n} be a nonnegative sequence and f(x) a nonnegative integrable function. Define A_n = sum_(k=1)^(n)a_k (1) B_n = sum_(k=n)^(infty)a_k (2) and F(x) = int_0^xf(t)dt (3) ...
Dirichlet's principle, also known as Thomson's principle, states that there exists a function u that minimizes the functional D[u]=int_Omega|del u|^2dV (called the Dirichlet ...
To generate random points over the unit disk, it is incorrect to use two uniformly distributed variables r in [0,1] and theta in [0,2pi) and then take x = rcostheta (1) y = ...
The dual vector space to a real vector space V is the vector space of linear functions f:V->R, denoted V^*. In the dual of a complex vector space, the linear functions take ...
The group of an elliptic curve which has been transformed to the form y^2=x^3+ax+b is the set of K-rational points, including the single point at infinity. The group law ...
In 1750, Benjamin Franklin constructed the above 8×8 semimagic square having magic constant 260. Any half-row or half-column in this square totals 130, and the four corners ...
Given two groups G and H, there are several ways to form a new group. The simplest is the direct product, denoted G×H. As a set, the group direct product is the Cartesian ...
A root-finding algorithm also known as the tangent hyperbolas method or Halley's rational formula. As in Halley's irrational formula, take the second-order Taylor series ...
A hexagon is a six-sided polygon. Several special types of hexagons are illustrated above. In particular, a hexagon with vertices equally spaced around a circle and with all ...