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An integer N which is a product of distinct primes and which satisfies 1/N+sum_(p|N)1/p=1 (Butske et al. 1999). The first few are 2, 6, 42, 1806, 47058, ... (OEIS A054377). ...
The score function u(theta) is the partial derivativeof the log-likelihood function F(theta)=lnL(theta), where L(theta) is the standard likelihood function. Defining the ...
The "temperature" of a curve Gamma is defined as T=1/(ln((2l)/(2l-h))), where l is the length of Gamma and h is the length of the perimeter of the convex hull. The ...
A particle P is said to be undergoing uniform circular motion if its radius vector in appropriate coordinates has the form (x(t),y(t),0), where x(t) = Rcos(omegat) (1) y(t) = ...
The Cassini ovals are a family of quartic curves, also called Cassini ellipses, described by a point such that the product of its distances from two fixed points a distance ...
The clique polynomial C_G(x) for the graph G is defined as the polynomial C_G(x)=1+sum_(k=1)^(omega(G))c_kx^k, (1) where omega(G) is the clique number of G, the coefficient ...
Let c_k be the number of vertex covers of a graph G of size k. Then the vertex cover polynomial Psi_G(x) is defined by Psi_G(x)=sum_(k=0)^(|G|)c_kx^k, (1) where |G| is the ...
The number 163 is very important in number theory, since d=163 is the largest number such that the imaginary quadratic field Q(sqrt(-d)) has class number h(-d)=1. It also ...
17 is a Fermat prime, which means that the 17-sided regular polygon (the heptadecagon) is constructible using compass and straightedge (as proved by Gauss).
The digits in the number 2187 form the two vampire numbers: 21×87=1827 and 2187=27×81. 2187 is also given by 3^7.
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