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Two lengths are called incommensurate or incommensurable if their ratio cannot be expressed as a ratio of whole numbers. Irrational numbers and transcendental numbers are ...
Two rectangles, neither of which will fit inside the other, are said to be incomparable. This is equivalent to one rectangle being both longer and narrower. At least seven ...
A formal theory is said to be incomplete if it contains fewer theorems than would be possible while still retaining consistency.
A p-form alpha is indecomposable if it cannot be written as the wedge product of one-forms alpha=beta_1 ^ ... ^ beta_p. A p-form that can be written as such a product is ...
A continuum that is not decomposable is an indecomposable continuum.
An n×n complex matrix A is called indefinite if nonzero vectors x and y exist such that x^*Ax>0>y^*Ay, where x^* denotes the conjugate transpose. A matrix m may be tested to ...
A quadratic form Q(x) is indefinite if it is less than 0 for some values and greater than 0 for others. The quadratic form, written in the form (x,Ax), is indefinite if ...
The indefinite summation operator Delta^(-1) for discrete variables, is the equivalent of integration for continuous variables. If DeltaY(x)=y(x), then Delta^(-1)y(x)=Y(x).
If sets E and F are independent, then so are E and F^', where F^' is the complement of F (i.e., the set of all possible outcomes not contained in F). Let union denote "or" ...
The ratio of the independence number of a graph G to its vertex count is known as the independence ratio of G (Bollobás 1981). The product of the chromatic number and ...
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